It's still a Mag
You have to like Mags to want to buy one. The Emag is the most friendly one ever made, being electronic which anyone can shoot without having bad chop problems. The hybrid mode is really cool. The ability to go pneumatic in the event of your battery dying is also cool. I personally like the warp feed for its lowering of the hopper profile and ease of loading.
However, an Emag is still in fact a Mag. It has wire ball detents which in my opinion suck. It still runs at 400 psi (which in the Mag's days wasn't anything to sneeze at, but is twice as high as today's superguns) and slaps balls on the rear with a stainless steel faced bolt, which isn't what I would call friendly for high end paints. It still has too many freakin seals and orings inside, each that cause a specific problem when they arbitrarily decide to leak, shrink, or swell.
Other than those burning issues, EMags are definately worthy guns. They have no external moving parts. Their barrel system (apart from that stupid nubbin) is the best ever thought of, much faster and more elegant than comparatively crude threaded barrels. Every part of them is machined from stainless to be the best it possibly can be. They'll have a higher resale value and staying power than classic Mags and RT's, which although still effective guns were almost abandoned in the electro and superCocker craze that hit a couple years ago.
(I was a victim of this. I bought a Mag, spent about $600 total in it, then saw it go completely off the scene less than 6 months later after Bushies and Cockers took over where Mags had been dominant for half a decade before. I murmured murderous thoughts against those around me who had influenced me to buy it while virtually begging someone, anyone to take it for a scant $350 to pay for my beloved Shocker.)
Find an Emag. Shoot it. Decide for yourself. You may find you have a winner.