I bought a dueydog bone pack with the universal smart charger in the group buy a while ago, but never got round to swapping the wires over, and now I use a Vlocity.
I don't know whether this works as I don't have a loader to test it in. In the group buy thread, it gives you instructions on how to swap the wires over on the smart charger.
You'll need to buy a US-UK plug adapter thingy-majig to plug this into our mains, and look in the group buy thread for directions on what to do to enable you to charge it.
This is your responsibility to do it, and I will not be held responsible if you buy it and can't do it/blow anything up etc.
I bought this in the group buy thread and have never got round to getting it to work, so it's obviously in good condition. I plugged it into my old loader once and it lasted about 10 seconds before the battery died, so it does work. However, you'll need to follow the instructions in these threads to make it charge:
What I am selling can be found on this website if you're unsure of what it is: http://dueydogpaintball.com/ What I am selling is the bone pack and the universal smart charger.
£35 all in
I'll add pictures soon.
I don't know whether this works as I don't have a loader to test it in. In the group buy thread, it gives you instructions on how to swap the wires over on the smart charger.
You'll need to buy a US-UK plug adapter thingy-majig to plug this into our mains, and look in the group buy thread for directions on what to do to enable you to charge it.
This is your responsibility to do it, and I will not be held responsible if you buy it and can't do it/blow anything up etc.
I bought this in the group buy thread and have never got round to getting it to work, so it's obviously in good condition. I plugged it into my old loader once and it lasted about 10 seconds before the battery died, so it does work. However, you'll need to follow the instructions in these threads to make it charge:
What I am selling can be found on this website if you're unsure of what it is: http://dueydogpaintball.com/ What I am selling is the bone pack and the universal smart charger.
£35 all in
I'll add pictures soon.