Ok, time to fantasize, kids. Spec your dream marker here, and why it's your dream marker. Could be weight, rate of fire, damn sexy good looks, features, whatever. You can go into as much detail as you like.
Mr old skool here, but the one marker I'd like is one I used to own: Factory protoype fixed barrel Sterling. It was one of the first 50 made.
I made the mistake of letting Marcus Davis have a look at it... god bless him he turned into a top tourney gun, but I just wanted my fixed barrel back.
Who the hell is Timmy Mallet? And why does he say bleh?
Anyway, dream marker.
Something with the low profile of an Angel (I hate the towering looks of Impies and Bushies). Superdupermegastupendously fast ofcourse. As silent as a finely tuned cocker. Blue. Easy stippability (great word for scrabble). Anodized to match freak set. Light. AND NO WOBBLY TRIGGER WHATSOEVER!!! I hate those....