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DM7 vs PMR 07: Any major differences?


Active Member
Sep 18, 2011
Dartford, Kent
Hi all

Just looking for a little advice really, wondering if the differences between a 2nd hand DM7 over a 2nd hand PMR 07 warrants the extra £100?

Many Thanks
May 26, 2011
Ive owned both markers and the Dm7 definitely 'feels' better to shoot. If the PMR doesnt have a UL frame on it you may find it more uncomfortable than the DM7 UL frame. Personally id go with the DM7 but if you haven't played much you may not notice much of a difference.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2011
Dartford, Kent
Cheers for reply mate.

Interesting then that the difference isn't major then. Only been playing for a couple of months and at the moment into more the scenario scene. Did have a delta elite but traded it for the Billywing DM7 on here as prefered the look and firing rates on the tourney style markers.

Only started looking at the PMR 07's when I saw the couple in the FS section on here and wondered if "I" as a relative noob would notice any real difference between the two - likin the idea of selling the DM7, bagging a PMR 07 and banking the difference for another purchase.

Thanks for the help.
May 26, 2011
Well, the Dm7 has quite a few better features than the PMR (LPR, sprung detents, eye cable rather than ribbon, eyepipe etc), and it certainly is a better gun. But as you say, You probably wont notice a Massive difference and so for you, it would be worth putting the extra money to other things.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
A fair amount, actually.

Over the PMR07, the DM7 has:

LPR (HUUUUUGE difference)
UL Frame (and board)
Eye pipe
Metal trigger
On/Off ASA
A metal back cap (I think the PMR back cap is plastic, or just sucks)
A metal lever-clamping feedneck
2-piece Dye UL barrel (Compared to the 1-piece Proto)

The Dye will shoot better, be more efficient, be more user friendly, have better and more reliable parts (including more widely available spares) than the PMR. You can price up all of the above individually and see if you think it's worth the extra £100 for your situation, but my choice would be the DM.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2011
Dartford, Kent
Cheers for reply Bambulus, thats quite a long list of +'s, Actually just been doing some reading on the composite parts on the DMR on good ol google.......


Bluey .. ... ...Teams :- Care Bears UK
Jul 7, 2007
DM 07 is a very good gun that has that solid feel to it from the off as all the DM range ( DYE MATRIX ) 7 = year ,
Proto Matrix Rail 07 is a different kettle of fish and as the above has stated the eyes are run by a Ribbon going up through the gun, this is very, very Tempremental and can break very easy to which most players that have had these will tell you are a nightmare ! ! but because it`s very similar to the DYE to look at ,most have tried to copy the Dye and put the wire that connects to the eyes ( eyes are important to any good gun ) into the PMR, If you can ? PMR bolt has to go in one way only , ( have to line it up ) where as the Dye is easy , goes in anyway. there is a PMR and there is a PM , the PM is a far, far better gun and I would say that I speak for Most players that had/have a PM > they are the best that Proto ever made and are equal to any DYE, to compare the 2 x guns you mentioned it would be like comparing a Tippman 98 to any EGO, even if you like a Tippman I hope you get my point .. Bluey


Active Member
Sep 18, 2011
Dartford, Kent
Cheers for the reply Bluey.

TBH kind of knew that the DM7 was the better out the two, but the noob part of me had no idea why the DM7 was better and if in turn that was worth the 100 more.

One thing that you have all helped me with is realising that DM7 is considerably better and my temporary desire to sell the DM7 and get a PMR instead has now gone.

Thanks for all the replies :)
