it'll be sometime after Mayhem i think. the Imperial and Inferno boys are mainly preparing for that at the moment. (except me and Shuck, we busy preparing for uni exams )
the last one consisted of 4 Imperial guys, 3 Inferno, 2 Stupid Troopers and team Hype i think it was. a little quiet but it meant we got more games each
basically..... after spending about 3 hours trying to set a supair field up in a gale!
we usually play a few team on team games, then go into 5 on 3 and stuff to get the front players finishing games off and teach back players how to hold out. then maybe practice breakouts for a bit then back to team on team games again. it's a good day as long as the weather aint too bad.
Chris 'Northern Twat' Edwards and PeeGee are more than willing to teach you stuff too