D7's North Newbie Series
D7's North will be hosting a newbie series this year we will have a full size Milliennium Field and two 5 man fields which we will rotate players and teams over the period of the day. There will be 5 E-teks for hire and tippy 98's plus overalls and masks. Also staging areas to set up and keep dry. An assortment of Sports drinks and food with be available throughout the day. Hot food will be served at Midday.
You will be walked through the field in the morning to help with learning the basic skills, and run through some warm ups.
We will then form 3 man teams as this will help with communication skills and will be played on either half of the Milliennium Field or the 5 man fields.
we will play games such as capture the flag and team elimination both games being different working on skill, speed and agility. We will have players on the sidelines to help coach teams and improve palyers
This will be the time to take a breather and grab some lunch and also run through the mornings play. At this time we can then take the oppurtunity to practise some drills. Such as sliding, diving and snap shooting all the skills neccesarry in winning games.
In the afternoon most players will proberly be battered and bruised but we wont stop there. We will then form 5 man teams for the last part of the day and play on both the 5 man masters set up and the 5 man Milliennium to give you the taste of Campaign play which should top off the day.
Prizes will be given out at the end of the day. Which will consisit of paint jerseys clothing etc:
1 Most advanced player of the day
2 Top team of the day
3 Best move of the day
Hot food and drink will be served all day on site.
The Price of the day will be £15 Green fee and £25 for a box of paint of which will be high grade.
Dates To Be Announced
Kick-Off will be 10am sharp and all fields will be ready to play
The dates will be the same days as Disruptions training day then you will all have the oppurtunity to watch the boys at work and pick up some tips.