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Cyborg or Droid


Ripping it up for Epidemic
Jul 7, 2008
Guys, i have had 5 different guns in the last 6 months. Shockers, Mini, impulse and recently bought a nexus ego. Still really to play with the ego. I think i am becoming abit of a gunwhore. Thinking of letting the impulse and mini go to funding either a droid or a cyborg.

Is there much difference between the two? or should i just stick with what i have got?:confused:

help me:)

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
2 totally different guns mate one is a poppit, setup like the Ego, but more efficient and the other is similar to a spooler like the Shocker (but again I believe a poopit design)

Check out the Macdev website for deatils.

If you aint happy with what you have then keep spending


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
Wow buddy, I thought i was bad, 5 guns in the 7months i'v been playing for! spent soo much :(
But very very happy with the end result :D

If you got the monies, use it!

That new Cyborg looks very nifty at world cup, everythings enclosed and easy to take apart in the hands, don't believe it will be out for another 4 weeks, but it may be longer for us because we ain't in the US. theres a thred on the JCS website about if there going to stock these cyborgs, keep an eye on that ;)


never a trading complaint
Oct 29, 2003
I play with a nexus ego and have owned a 06 cyborg.

now in my opinion I think the the 'Borg had less kick, was much faster due to it's very versatile stock board, probably the same weight as the nexus ego. the stock trigger wasn't up to my liking and the efficiency of the 'Borg was a lot better than my ego, the 'Borg's are very easy to maintain and the gladiator reg is the most consistent reg I've ever come across.+/- 1 fps over the chronograph when I had mine.

I have not shot a driod yet but I am SERIOUSLY considering getting a 07 'Borg instead of my nexus ego or am going to wait for the new 09 RX cyborg.

MACDEV are a very, very good company and their markers in my opinion are top notch .