I've got Custom dyed, tinted red, Egg hopper! Comes with brand new not even tested feed tray, feedneck AND battery door! The pictures do it no justice at all, it's not pink or orange, just red tint. This is the best, aggest, freshest, PIMPEST egg on all of P8NT! Everytime I go to the field I get tons of looks and 'Can I see?'
Picture and another and another.
Looking for only £35!
I've got Custom dyed, tinted red, Egg hopper! Comes with brand new not even tested feed tray, feedneck AND battery door! The pictures do it no justice at all, it's not pink or orange, just red tint. This is the best, aggest, freshest, PIMPEST egg on all of P8NT! Everytime I go to the field I get tons of looks and 'Can I see?'
Picture and another and another.
Looking for only £35!