I have an 98 custom while one of my buddies has an A-5. We have played about a year and a half now and play pretty often and we were wondering if we got a low pressure system and switched to Compressed air, if we could still use C02. Thanks-
Yes, but you will have to re-set the velocity of your markers every time you swop between your co2 bottles and air tanks. I think you'd be better off running on a high-pressure preset air system rather than low-pressure as well, but someone may correct me if I'm wrong.
You mean like the LPK kit right, by low pressure system? If so you HAVE to switch to HPA, you will need a regulator that goes down to 400 psi, and a HP output system is always good, esp if your tank has horrible flow(cough*PMI*cough).
Thats what I thought but i wasnt quite sure, plus i wanted to show my friend that thought differently . Any ways, I dont think that i will switch to Compressed air 'till I get a higher class marker. Right now im fine playing simple woodsball with my M 98 Assault kit. Thanks for the help-
you just want a pre set reg which about 600-800 psi roughly. co2 is problery 700-1500 psi you prohberly wont even have to chag3 your verlocity but might need new seals tipmann 98 seals kit is like 4 quid. as co2 is a lot harder on seals and air is a lot thinner.
standerd presets were desighned to replace c02 ie same threads,same pressure .you dont need/doubt a low pressure system would work on a 98 as they need 800psi(co2 pressure )to work
buy a standerd preset and you will be fine,also you will notice a hell of a change in connsistency(for the better)
HPA is going to output the same pressure as Co2 Chris, and it will be more consistent.
In fact I was going to ask you and then post back to this, was the Armageddon a low or high pressure reg? 'cos if it was a Low Pressure reg, that'll be why you were getting all the hassles with the recock and bounce....
my boss used to run his tippmann 98's on co2 then switched them all to air and they work fine, some of the seals needed replacing but other than that we have had a lot less problems than we did with co2. By far the best option, we now run them with pmi 0.8 3000psi presets just for your reference
Wasn't using an armageddon reg. It was an air melee air america and it was high pressure. We even borrowed someones air bottle at the big game last year and had the same probs. Switched back to CO2 and hey presto worked fine.
Dont know why this was but just letting you know. I didn't stick around with mechy markers long enough to find out cause team mates were buying electro's buy then so I bought an angel.
Dont know about 98's cause I never used air with them.
May have just been those specific A 5's. It was a different problem with each marker so I assumed they just didn't like air
I'd try it out by borrowing someones or something. last thing you want is to pay 100 quid for an air system to find out you cant use it.