Not a comparision but in answer to why you were blowing hoses.
Two reasons, One your input pressure was too high from the secondary reg and Second the fittings that is found on some 3 ways is a little suspect the ones that have both a barb and a screw in part with an O ring attached as well (I know they all screw in btw but they do vary in construction slightly)
As you seem to be set on posting and then posting again, I'll cut down on your post count now.
Air tank has a regulator attached wether preset or other wise you then feed the air into a secondary reg and then into the 'cocker
If as I suspect you are using CO2 (could be wrong) CO2 tank is fed into the secondary reg (make sure you have an anti syphon installed into your CO2 tank btw) the input pressure may be ok but if not anti-syphon then you could well be drawing liquid CO2 and then that would cause you to blow hoses.
Back to your original post, there is no comparision between a timmy and a cocker other than they both chuck paint they are like chalk and cheese totally different animals and fans of either will rave about their favourite one.....cost is probably the biggest difference, it has to be said that all things being equal (that is that it works first time) straight out of the box the timmy will have the edge on the rate of fire.