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Cocker or Electro


New Member
Feb 2, 2002
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I'm looking to get a better gun and I was wondering what's better. A custom Cocker like a Dark Cocker or Eclipse Cocker or an electro like an Impulse or a Shocker. Also what is the best custom Cocker for under $1000?


Lord of the Ringtones
Well, there's the right feed Shocktech, NitroDuck Mark II, Eclipse, or Evolution (depending on who you buy it from). As for electro versus Cocker, it depends on your preference. I personally prefer to own an electro and a Cocker so that on the days that I want one of them I have one and on others the other...each have advantages and disadvantages to the point where I honestly think that I wouldn't want to be without them both.


New Member
Jan 13, 2002
gold bar, washington
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hey thundershock!

hey thunder glad to see a us guy up in here i'm from washington
not true! u can get a a black magic for $850 or cold fushion for $800. what kind of cocker do u want or do u want? ?i have spent alot of time and money.i have right now 12 cockers. all my markers r all black. black. dye cocker,f/x sleeper,kapp k2 flame,vortex,blackmagic,ultra cold fushion,SFL,evo x,eclipse,freeflow boxxer,spearhead,but my main marker is a $2750 supercocker.all my markers run on max flow114ci systems and run freak and freakJR barrels.if this doesn't show my love fro cockers then i don't konw what will.:cool:


Fat *******
Jul 9, 2001
When I finally decided to get me a "real" marker, a first all I wanted was an Angel. The First time I saw one, I almost fell in love (cuz you can't fall in love with something that's not alive, can you :confused: ) Then I fired one for the first time, and moments after that, I was setting up my own tent, if ya know what I mean ;)
I got up to the point where I almost bought a second-hand one and was prepared to rob a bank for it (I had to, if I went through with it) But I didn't do it because of financial reasons (read: I was dead broke, and didn't have a proper marker to rob a bank with)
After the whole Angel thing cleared out of my head, I started thinking about getting a Cocker. The first reason for this was, because a (not toooo custom :) ) Cocker wouldn't be as expensive as an Angel. But also I started realizing (here's where the point of my story kicks in) that firing an electropneumatic marker isn't as rewarding as firing a semi marker. At least, that's how I feel abut it. I know alot of electro owners are thinking: "I'd like you to meet the shooty end of my Angel....." but those people just don't have a finger strong and well trained enough :D to fire a marker that doesn't run on batteries! "Yeah, them thare argumentz bee havin' a point, but without an electro I can't fire my thirteen ballz per second!" Then you guys must have disappointed girls! There's nothing a nice little custom Cocker with blade trigger can't fix.
Basically what I was trying to say here was, that I like to feel a mechanism (wich doesn't need recharging) working inside my marker when I pull that trigger. Thanx for your valuable time.

Buddha "Eddepet" 5