If its a .686 or a .692 bore then we could come to some arrangment i didnt know they did an ultralite with a ti back or do you mean titanium as in the colour?
If its a two piece ultralite though i would be interested.
have no idea what bore size it is since it doesnt say anywhere and i cant remember, it's made from Ti, i can recall team mates using the blue or red freak insert with the same paint while i was using this. i think the Ti backs only came in one size. only pic i have==> http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e364/ollgeeze/DSCF0016.jpg
Thats a shame as im only after one of those two UL back sizes as i only really need those two backs. If you could pos get hold of one or both of those i woul be very interested (and i dont req the tip either im afraid) but the ti isnt realy what im after. Ill keep my fingers crossed.