Your CDEL is likely too low.
Do this:
Stretch a piece of balloon over your feedneck. With the gun gassed up, try raising the CDEL one millisecond at a time until the balloon stops raising up like a little bubble. You don't want it too tight, or the air won't bulge the balloon. You can also place over the feedneck a piece of thin paper, a bit of plastic grocery bag (if you have those in the EU), or if you are samurai, a piece of the finest silk. When the blowback stops, the membrane should not pop up anymore.
There is a semi mystical quality to some cockers around 6-9 CDEL where the membrane will actually suck down into the feedneck. If you can tune it like that, feeding should be infinitesimally more reliable. I did, but I am a nerd like that.