I'm selling a barrel that'll more than do. It's a DYE Titanium 16" with a bore size of 68.88, which is standard. It has the performance of thew Boomstick, and perhaps even more durable (same matrieal is used on spacecraft
), and three times lighter. It's dead on accurate from DYE's precision porting and craftsmanship on the barrel. To buy it new, it's about 170$ but for about the same price of a new Ultralight barrel, this can be yours for 90$ Shipped. The inside of the barrel is in mint condition, and on the outside, I won't lie, has a small scratch. No worries though, it's barely noticeable and hard to go for a long period of time without a little scratch popping up here or there. IM me @ XShadowedVisionX or E-mail me at
XShadowedVisionX@aol.com if you're intrested.
PS: Did you know for the curved Sup'Air feild bunkers it's better to have a long barrel? It actually lets you play tighter than a shorter barrel, although you may not notice it, it does.