hi guys n girls
clint moore (nexus) has another clinic next wednesday the 23rd feb at bricket wood training centre, if you want a spot call 07968120424
their are limited spaces available
players booked so far
field 2 (astro)
1. alex
2. Talfryn
3. ellis
4. darren
5. sam
6. the one thats bunking off work but cant let his boss find out !!
7. kev winters
clint moore (nexus) has another clinic next wednesday the 23rd feb at bricket wood training centre, if you want a spot call 07968120424
their are limited spaces available
players booked so far
field 2 (astro)
1. alex
2. Talfryn
3. ellis
4. darren
5. sam
6. the one thats bunking off work but cant let his boss find out !!
7. kev winters