have confidence in yourself, even if you think you suck. dont' get silly, but if you want to make that bunker on the 50 off the break, tell the field captain that that's what you want to do. If you don't make it, he'll at least respect you for trying. Tell them where you want to go, that way you get their attention, unless of course he already has a game plan for you...then you excute it as best as you can.
Play hard, always be ready to step on the field BEFORE everyone else. Communicate. Make sure that the team captain has your name and number before you leave. Make a point of saying your name (or getting people to say your name) and making eye contact when talking to anyone.
The guys on CCM are all pretty cool, and they seem to have fun irritating people by bunkering them with a pump gun.
Enjoy yourself
(Occasionally from This Side Up!)