You're either Tommeh or someone pretending to be Tommeh?
It doesn't make games fun to watch it makes games slow, and outcomes of games are not as they should be.
Cheaters ain't fun, and especially not to play against, they only cheat because they don't have the skills to play fairly.
Some people say cheating's become part of the game, but that's like saying that because there's so much crime and drugs in Wolverhampton that it's become part of the accepted culture...
If there was no cheating in the game, there would be no need for this ramping thing that's been going on for ages.
The game would be a lot more fun without cheaters tbh.
Also people without skills blaming losing games on cheating opposition...wouldn't happen the people who deserve to win would win
I see a lot of angst at tourneys and it really makes some people angry, ruins their day, makes kids feel like they're sh!t players when in fact they might have shot someone out already.
Was watching a game on the NPPL live feed a player got shot and played out the entire game...that team won, it ain't fair.
But then again, cheating's like masturbating, everyone will say that they don't, but they do. Some are worse than others (at cheating) but everyone's done it at least once.
I can say hand on heart I did not cheat in any way shape or form at the last Masters, & it's nice to be able to say that, makes you feel good, if you cheat when you play just have a go at'll feel better about yourself
and what satisfaction can you get from a win if it isn't honest