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Cheap BT4 or similar + 20" BT4/A5/X7 Barrel

Rebel Tackleberry

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I've just managed to win myself a nice wooden rifle stock on ebay as I fancy a little project to make a sniper rifle along similar lines to a couple of chaps on the UKScenario forum.

I have a couple of BT4's that are currently in Assault and Banshee mode that I can use whilst making up.

So, my preference is for a bog standard cheap BT4 that I can play around with and fit to the stock, altough I may consider something else similar like an A5.

Purchase is going to be very dependent on price as I do know where I could probably get one (after a friends son upgrades) for about £30.

I'd also be interested in a long BT4/A5 barrel too. I'll have a better idea once I get the stock but I'd guess at wanting something like a 20".

So, post up what you have for consideration.