Tadao Board manual for Invert Mini <- click here. Online manual should be the same as the paper manual.
Look up programming. What exactly do you not understand ? Seems very simple and straight forward.
To get into programming mode, firstly you need to turn off the tournament lock to off.
Then whilst marker is completely off, pull and hold trigger, then push the power button on, then let go of trigger.
Once the LED has finnished its rainbow sequence, you are now in programming mode, and the LED should be on green, (you are now in the debounce setting).
Pull and release trigger quickly, you will go through the modes shown on the list in sequence, which is also the colour of the LED.
If you wanted to see what the debounce setting is , instead of going through to the next mode, hold trigger till LED light goes out for a brief second, let go of trigger and count how many times the LED flashes. If LED flashes 5 times, that means the setting for that mode (ie debounce setting is on 5).
If you wish to change the debounce setting (say a debounce of 15), you will need to start pulling and releasing the trigger quickly within 2 seconds from the last LED flashing (ie, if debounce was on 5, it would flash 5 times, as soon as you see the last flash, pull the trigger 15 times, then wait till LED goes green(in this case green as it is in debounce mode)
Once you are done with debounce you can pull and release the trigger quickly , taking you to the next mode which is Bolt forward dwell (purple).
If you wish to change the setting for this mode , do exactly as above with debounce and so on. If you dont wish to change this setting, pull and release trigger quickly again to get to the next mode and so on.
I do hope you understand that, coz its taken me long enough to type.