Due to unforseen circumstances, OTE's TRI TEAM walk-on originally planned for 18th september will now take place the following weekend - Sunday 25th September. Please accept our apologies if this causes any inconvenience...
Due to popular demand and based on customer feedback, the New TRI TEAM fomat introduced earlier this year will replace the remaining Organised Chaos events (August 21st and October 30th). Once again, apologies to those who liked playing the Chaos, but the majority prefer the new format (seems the chaos was just too much for some!!!)
Hope we will see all the same faces and some new at the next event - Saturday August 6th!
Due to popular demand and based on customer feedback, the New TRI TEAM fomat introduced earlier this year will replace the remaining Organised Chaos events (August 21st and October 30th). Once again, apologies to those who liked playing the Chaos, but the majority prefer the new format (seems the chaos was just too much for some!!!)
Hope we will see all the same faces and some new at the next event - Saturday August 6th!