Hey guys, sorry to be a pain but im wondering if it pos to change my user name?
Currently using the name of madjock...which seemed appropriate at the time of registering my account as I was in II Parachute regiment and was known amongst many as the mad jock.
Anyway, that was a few years back and as we all know, some things in life change. No longer in armed forces and the nick name is no longer.
Would like to cahnge my user name to Hitman which is my player nick name within the scenario team i play for (Mad Sqad Rebels) and also my user name on other forums.
Thanks for the help,
Currently using the name of madjock...which seemed appropriate at the time of registering my account as I was in II Parachute regiment and was known amongst many as the mad jock.
Anyway, that was a few years back and as we all know, some things in life change. No longer in armed forces and the nick name is no longer.
Would like to cahnge my user name to Hitman which is my player nick name within the scenario team i play for (Mad Sqad Rebels) and also my user name on other forums.
Thanks for the help,