This was the provisional post from the forums, Still waiting on the official confirmation though. Also as the only UK team to play a leg last year would like to say it was a great event and run very well. With the lower prices for entry and accomadation it's well worth considering playing some legs.
Centurio 2006
The Name – “Centurio Circuit, 5-man European Paintball League”
Series format for 2006.
-1st Div (Am, Pro teams allowed to enter), e500 entry fee, e3K prizes in CASH
-2nd Div (Nov), e350-400 entry fee, e2K voucher prizes
-3rd Div (Rookie), e250-300 entry fee, e1K voucher prizes.
5-man, 10 games per team minimum,
7 events - one indoor event February + 6 outdoors
indoor February 25-26th place – Vilnius
Prague April 15-16th (22-23rd)
Lviv May 27-28th
Warsaw July 8-9th
Moscow August 12-13th
Bratislava September 16-17th
Greece October 21-22nd