Okay, the other night I was field stripping my new gun...getting used to its parts and the like....my cat is in my room "watching" me do so. So, I get it put all back together, start reading my paintball book some more. So I'm reading....not paying attention to my cat. I look up and see her sniffing my hopper(the previous day had paint in it), so naturally I ask her "what is she doing?". She proceeds to chew on it. Then since she can't finish it off right there, she picks it up and begins to carry it out of my room. So I move to stop her and she puts it down like she never had it in her mouth. So i pick it up and bring it back to its original place. She just sits there. I go back to reading and about ten or fifteen minutes later she comes back to chew on it again...but this time she picks the lid to chew on...and when she goes to pull on the lid it springs open and scares the crud out of her! She flew about three feet into the air! I just about had a heart attack from laughing! It was so funny. lol