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Campaign Cup 2001!!


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Jul 10, 2001
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Congratulations Niall and Andy!

Campaign cup 2001 was fantastic. And it makes me proud to be part of the millenium series when I see all the work and effort the crew at campaign had put down for the show.

I dont know where to start but people like Niall and Andy is people that will make paintball grow, I had the same pleasent feeling all weekend as I had in Toulouse. Sure if you look really really hard you MAY find stuff to complain about. But that is just beacuse you are trying so hard.

People needs to understand a few thing about the millenium series events.
Niall and Andy have worked 6 month with the Campaign cup. They have tryied to cover everything they can think about to make us happy.

So they rented a MAJOR stadium in LONDON!!
This meant that we the players had to adapt to 1 thing. The fields would be a bit smaller than usuall. To be able to have 6 fields.

I think its worth that sacrifice dont you?
With the stadium we looked so much better in the media coverage for paintball, we had all the facilities we could ever think about inkluding the best ever players area, a big bar!!!, total security and a air fill that worked perfectly.

What else?

Niall and Andy payed a reff staff to come over and reff us. They didnt have enought teams that could reff Campaign cup beacuse most teams that they wanted had already reffed. The result was perfect reffing on all 6 fields! They didnt pick some local walk on reffs, no they flow in in reffs from all over Europe that they knew would do a good job and they did.

People need to understand that the millenium series is living on that we have people like the campaign crew to put up thoose events we have. The reason Niall and Andy is doing this is only 1.
And that is pride! They want to be proud about there events and they want you guys to be happy. When they feel that you dont appricaite there work they will not put up another event.
Belive me when I say that its not beacuse the money this events are done!!!!!!
To make thoose event worth putting up money wise we would need to at least double the entry fees.

so give respect and credit for Niall and Andy and everybody that worked at Campaign cup for a 5 star event. And if you have ideas about to improve it more to next year, give him a email and help them out.
But stop biching about small things all over the internet or we will end up with no events and alot of people with opinions!

Magued Joy Division
High praise indeed!


After playing all the Millenium Series this year, ending with Toulouse, Stockholm and now London I am left wodnering how it can get any better! You guys that spend so much time putting on these great events deserve massive thanks from all the players. Campaign was fantastic, there is now other way of putting it - but so were Stockholm and Toulouse - the Millenium Series is THE place to play paintball. At every level of tournament paintball the Millenium Series events give players the best of the best.

Niall, Piper and all the Campaign staff -- sit back now and wallow in the well deserved glory! You have done a very good job.

Roll on Germany!!


Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!

Couldn't agree more with the Egyptian and the Guildfordian.

That event was where paintball deserves to be.

Niall and Andy - and all the other guys - F*@KING WELL DONE.

AWESOME is the only word.

And what if the fields were a little small?? They weren't THAT small and it means that the teams had to adapt ad play these as well as standard ones - the best teams coped!!! That helps round off the Millennium series witha little variety!!!

You didn't see Lasoya, Rabackoff, Martinez, Wing, Richardson, Kitch et al moaning!!!! As far as I could tell they were all having a great time!!!! As were we!!!

Keep it up all the Millennium guys and gals

We love ya!!!
