The mighty CORIMBE PEOPLES MILITIA are starting a recruitment drive for N.P.F 'S PAINTFEST 2012 Held at our 200 acre site near Birmingham over the weekend of 28th - 29th July
The C.P.M are a disruptive force who are battling the two established squads from H.M.C and the U.S.D.E
If you feel you are the kind of player we are looking for then please drop me a message
Applicants from current H.M.C or U.S.D.E squads need NOT apply as a refusal often offends
And just so you can see what to expect here are a couple of links
The C.P.M are a disruptive force who are battling the two established squads from H.M.C and the U.S.D.E
If you feel you are the kind of player we are looking for then please drop me a message
Applicants from current H.M.C or U.S.D.E squads need NOT apply as a refusal often offends
And just so you can see what to expect here are a couple of links