Yeah, I'm not sure what size pin I used (it was standard anyway, I'm in the US), but what I did was took my dremel, and you know the little slit in the pin, where it comes together? Well, I just used the dremel to cut it a hair wider, then pressed it shut again with a vise. I selected a drill bit (don't remember the size, obviously this wasn't the most precise process in the world, but you get the idea) that looked close to the same size as the new pin (actually, a little smaller, but it fit), drilled out the holes in the frame, and BAM. But, it was hard getting them in, and especially out, of the microswitch, so I took the same bit and widened the holes in the switch too (but, I've got an aftermarket switch in mine, so it may have had more room to drill). But now the pins fit securely in the frame, and go through the microswitch no problem.