New millennium field!!!
Just to let everyone know we now have a new MILLENNIUM FIELD!!!! Yay!!!
Training is on every tuseday night 6pm till late! As always its site paint only, PROTO which is mint. £10 green fee and PROTO paint £27 abox, OR if you wish you can buy bags of 500 paintballs for £7 a bag
The Millennium field is going to be set up as the Campain Layout!!! So if your playing the Campaint cup now is your chance to get plenty of practise in!!
ALSO..... you can hire out the field for half a day or a full day!!!!
Half day £150
Morning 9am-1pm
Afternoon 1pm-5PM
Full day £200
9am -5pm
When you hire out the field you can either bring your own paint OR buy it from the site, which as i said before is PROTO £27 a box
There will be safe 3000psi air fills for you all day and refreshments to buy also.
Any questions feel free to ask
Hope to see you all there so i can shoot you haha
and get shot lol