Hello Steve, and Welcome mate,
are you looking to play Woodsball or tournament ??
Very different !!!
I would suggest to have a go in the woods first to get a feel of it all ?
then maybe have a look at the Tourney side of it all, after, as it`s a whole different ball game !!
Faster and more expensive with Way more adreniline rush with also other people watching you like a hawk,
best to get yourself to a venue even if it`s just to have a look , this way you`ll know what direction to spend your hard earned cash, do some homework on the type of guns you`ll require, please remember that all guns shoot , but they are deffinately NOT all the same, weight, how they feel in your hands, reliability, and how they shoot, some Dip when shot rather quickly and some shoot straight ( eventually dip ) second hand quality is usually way better than buying cheap new, some only shoot a few pods of paint where some shoot loads on ONE fill of air in your bottle.
>> Bluey