I was a massive MW2 fan, played it to death, then go sick of it because of all the modding and cheating and so many guys running around with Noob Tubes. so got rid of it, and went to Battlefield Bad Company 2, what a class game, noting better than sniping from a distance and watching the bullet drop and catch a guy in the head while he is at full run

, then went and got Black ops, its strange because im not a huge fan of it, single player is a total joke and multiplayer has noting on mw2, but i still play it but i get well peed off with it all the time but cant put the game down.
Looking forward to BF3. Hope Treyarch never do another COD game, they dropped the ball big time.
BTW dont know if anyone has seen this. Real or fake i dont know, people seem to be split on it weither the guy was cheating or not. Still a class score, but Treyarch banned everyone that was playing and rest there account to ZERO