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Black Ops - My Opinion.


Super Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
I haven't got Black Ops yet (from what i've been hearing it's worth waitting till chirstmas), but i've been played it round friends. I'm really like that you can play online with split screen, the icon maker and some of the fun game types. Although thats all thats good and not already on MW2, the game feel more like a £49 update/ expansion pack than a new game, It's pretty much WaW but this time round someone gave a dam about the game they we're making.

I can't remember who said it but the quote sums it up quite well, "Its a new game from a franchise that has nothing to gain by a developer that has nothing to lose."

Let just hope activision let bungie do their own thing then we might have something original to play for once.:tsk:
Not going to lie when i say it was crap, the campaign i completed in under 3 hours. i thought the design of the campaign was good but the missions being and way to easy.
The online gameplay confuses me, with the missions being sort of ancient (fighting in cuba and cold war time), but then theres a remote controll car :S my theory on the game is that starting from COD4 the game will go good, bad, good, bad and so on so hopefully the next installmen of the COD series will be goood compared to this pile of crap ops.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Yeah, I'm at about level 34, and I still havn't warmed to this. i will go all thr way through, but won't prestige - I'll go back to BFBC2 and hone my skills there ready for the 'nam-pack'.

One main issue I have is that there must be some kind of ethnic ID code. Everyone I play with seems to already know that I am African -American, and from the very first game I was being called the N-word by a bunch of southern cross-burning good-ol-boys.

how do they know?

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
I started off impressed, then got very tired of the spawns, the odd people being able to turn and kill you half way through your clip ripping through them, and the slowness of the game.

But after I prestiged, I tried chilling out how I play, not rushing in all the time and i'm enjoying it much more. I'm not quite classing it as camping yet, but more cautious approach play and taking objectives is serving me much better.

I like it, and the fact the kill streaks are changed and much more balanced makes it a more enjoyable game the majority of the time

mik3yd79 if anybody ever wants a game


Team Rampage
Oct 9, 2001
I love the call of duty series done by the original developer infinity ward .
Never liked treyarch untill world at war which i thought was good.

I had high hopes for black ops but it is the biggest pile of crap i have ever played , cant believe i just paid £29.99 for this. Single player was very very boring to play and the multiplayer .... OMG wow what is this ? WTF is up with the spawns ? it plays like quake 3 !!

battlefield bad company 2 for the win, by far one of the greatest multiplayer games out there and i cant wait for vietnam now !


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
This game is a fail like the rest of treyarch's games... Cod4 is still by far the best game made and like many of you, i had high hopes for black ops, no idea why?

My hopes were shot down straight away, disliked it from the very start so have now turned into one of those annoying people who run about with RPG,crossbow or balistic knife and flak jacket.

Happy gaming ;D

PS... One thing i do love about black ops is the split screen online, credit to them for that :)


Nov 15, 2010
i played MW2 gamebattle matches and basically MW2 is a perfect game without all the super annoying ****,

bought black ops expecting more of the same, but no, just boring, its so slow, i got to my first prestige and stopped playing, that was months ago, a week or so after it came back...

just waiting for MW3


AAAHHHHh thats a war cry!
Feb 20, 2011
I was a massive MW2 fan, played it to death, then go sick of it because of all the modding and cheating and so many guys running around with Noob Tubes. so got rid of it, and went to Battlefield Bad Company 2, what a class game, noting better than sniping from a distance and watching the bullet drop and catch a guy in the head while he is at full run :), then went and got Black ops, its strange because im not a huge fan of it, single player is a total joke and multiplayer has noting on mw2, but i still play it but i get well peed off with it all the time but cant put the game down.

Looking forward to BF3. Hope Treyarch never do another COD game, they dropped the ball big time.

BTW dont know if anyone has seen this. Real or fake i dont know, people seem to be split on it weither the guy was cheating or not. Still a class score, but Treyarch banned everyone that was playing and rest there account to ZERO :(