So considering I've been away from the paintballing scene for a year or two, I thought I'd ask you lot (as this forum seems to be active)
I'm curious to know the following things: (this will also help other readers)
I'm curious to know the following things: (this will also help other readers)
- Which events did you attend?
- Which was the best and the worst and why?
- How good was the overall turnout? Were there a lot of people or just enough?
- How good or perhaps bad the marshalling was (be nice, its not always their fault
- On that note, how respectable were the other players were as i've had a few people in the past that do ruin it, but most of the time its been damn good fun and people are honest!
- What events are you looking forward to next year and why??
- AND the most important one of them all... RED or BLUE!?