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Barrel Problem


New Member
Apr 11, 2002
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Hey i recently got my 14 inch DYE Xcel for a m98 custom, and i played this sat and sun at my cousins house in upstate ny. It was a little damp out from having rain the night b4. We played, and my new barrel seemed to lack distance and accuracy (im on c02)..my cousin has the stock barrel on his tippmann and he was marking me out from like 40 feet away and only a little piece of my mask was hit, and i couldnt hit him that much (my accuracy is pretty good)and i was doing better with a talon on a 12v and 12 grams..so, is it because it was damp out and like 40 degrees out, or should i always expect it to shoot this way??

:confused: :confused: :confused:

any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
First off, did you guys have a chronograph out there? If your cousin was out-ranging you it was because his velocity was higher than yours. The difference in accuracy could be the paint fitting one barrel better than the other, condensation build-up inside your barrel, blabbity-blah. Give your barrel another chance, maybe on a nicer day, and see how everything goes then. Good luck PBC98! :)


New Member
Apr 11, 2002
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there was no chrono but i know that my fps is around 280-290 b/c i went to the field and checked it... and as for the condensation maybe...so ill give it another chance


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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A common reason for accuracy problems is the barrel/paint size match. If the barrel is too large a bore compared to the paint, then you'll have difficulties. Of course, if it's too small you'll be getting breaks all over the place. There is a surprising variation in ball size, often between different batches of the same paint; this is also affected by how well it's been stored. The ball should just fit in the barrel & pass down it if you blow gently. If you go red in the face blowing it down the barrel then it's too small, & if it just rolls down very easily then the barrel is too big.

Another common reason is if the paint hasn't been stored very well. It needs to be kept at about room temperature & turned every couple of days - if it isn't turned then it gets flat spots which of course affect the flight. If the balls come out of the box with big dents in them, you should really take them back & ask for them to be changed.


Whip it out..
Mar 24, 2002
Ellesmere Port
Did you make sure the barrel was cleaned before you used it, whenever i have bought a barrel, it has needed cleaning because of all the crap in it.



Well-Known Member
To elaborate even further on Liz's post, you'd be surprised sometimes about the size variation from BALL TO BALL. I played a tourney two weeks ago and we had to shoot the field's Diablo Blaze. My guys were trying to fit the paint to their Freak inserts, and they were just havin' a fit. One ball would drop straight through, and the next would be near over-size. You could've been in that same scenario my friend.


New Member
Apr 11, 2002
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I hope i don't have to change my barrel for a different one, b/c the field i go to, u must buy their paint...so i hope i didnt screw myself with the xcel...otherwise ill have to buy a new barrel or figure something else out...and btw there arent that many fields by me that im aware of...there are about 3-4