Having read the post's on the reffing at Crystal Palace it appears to me that there are a lot of back seat drivers, anyone can say that they saw this and that and heard what went on at another field by a mate of a mate
We reffed on field 4 the tomahawk field for three days and i wonder how many of you have even worked it out how many games that was
yes there might have been a few missed shots and might have been a bad call, christ we are only human after all, and we wouldn't have to be there if you all played like the gentlemen you say you are
try checking a player when his opposition is trying to unleash 20 balls a second at him and most of them are hitting you, and the player you haven't spotted has got into a position and decides to unleash his hopper into your back knowing you will fall to the ground and then shoot the other player, maybe funny for you looking on, or the player who did it
But we were there to reff and i thought we did a good job, to those of you that thought we were crap, then you know nial's number and you can do it next year
I thought that Crystal Palace is the best event of the whole series and was glad to be part of it, many thanks to all the people who took part in putting together the best event in the world
I personally took time of from work and had the best time of my life, covered in welts, got abused by certain players but wouldn't miss it for the world
just my thought's bob Shockwave 111
We reffed on field 4 the tomahawk field for three days and i wonder how many of you have even worked it out how many games that was
yes there might have been a few missed shots and might have been a bad call, christ we are only human after all, and we wouldn't have to be there if you all played like the gentlemen you say you are
try checking a player when his opposition is trying to unleash 20 balls a second at him and most of them are hitting you, and the player you haven't spotted has got into a position and decides to unleash his hopper into your back knowing you will fall to the ground and then shoot the other player, maybe funny for you looking on, or the player who did it
But we were there to reff and i thought we did a good job, to those of you that thought we were crap, then you know nial's number and you can do it next year
I thought that Crystal Palace is the best event of the whole series and was glad to be part of it, many thanks to all the people who took part in putting together the best event in the world
I personally took time of from work and had the best time of my life, covered in welts, got abused by certain players but wouldn't miss it for the world
just my thought's bob Shockwave 111