Right my laddy...
Cockers are considered by may as a headache, with mechanical cockers its an art to fine tune them to work perfectly, along with this nearly every part on an autococker has aftermarket upgrades. When certian people change these parts not knowing totaly what effect they may have have on the marker they stop working and flummexed as to how to fix it.
"The way to own a cocker is to know how it works, get it working and then leave it alone." this is quoted from the bible straight from god, ( look it up its in there )
Unless you get a yakuza tadao board your partially limited to the programabilty of the marker. I beleive with eyes on a cocker is limited to the bsp it can spit out depending on firmware but dont quote me on that... (again fiddling with all the settings on the eblade is a good way to stop it from working, and leaving it stock is recomended )
With that in mind, autocockers
had a reputation for being the most accruate markers around for the closed bolt function. The bolt cocks and is left in a forward position rather than most other markers where by the bolt stays back and then travels forward when the valve is opened. An autococker bolt is stationary when the valve opens and then recocks, but with the high rates of fire from todays needs this is argued.
Personally the best investment you can put into an autococker where aftermarket products are conerned youd be looking at an Eblade and an Mq valve..
I asume you know what an eblade is, if not youtube it..
An Mq valve is an electropneumatic valve for an autococker. Operates at 300psi give or take, and gets rid of the hammer sear lug and valve making the only moving part the bolt and back block, getting rid of the recoil...
If you have no idea what an Mq valve is then id stay away from these as they're fragile while fitting unless you know someone that can fit them...
They weigh more than your ego, but to get round this a halfblock, mini or midget mod is always an option again youtube it..
So to recap
cocker pros
- Legend says they are more accurate
- If you dont know how to set them up ( timing ) youll only have problems
- If you dont leave it alone when its working youll have problems
- Changing valve springs, hammers, sears, valves may mess the gun up ( unless you know what your doing )
- These are old markers and not manufactured anymore, parts in the uk are had to come by new
Thats a little information on autocockers for you..
I have a Custom half block Mq Eorracle and love it but its taken time to get it to where it is. If you get a cocker i suggest you get a backup marker and get to know it well
( everyone feel free to pick at this
