Well, I always say: "you can always put shiny rims on a Daewoo but it's still not a BMW."
In other words, you can modify any gun to perform well and give high end guns a run for its money but the very core design of the gun will ultimately limit you.
Granted, I have seen some spyders tricked out the wazoo with upgrades but when I try them, I still don't like the feel of the trigger or the jerkiness of a blow-back type gun.
But don't think your gun is piece of junk (because it's not) but realize that it will never be 100% equal to an angel. (But that doesn't mean you can't play with the "bug guns".)
I think you should keep playing with your jt. Go ahead and upgrade what you can (new barrel, revy, HPA, etc.) Just be aware that alot of "upgrades" out there do NOTHING for your gun's performance, so buyer beware.
After you feel that you have developed your skills and have "outgrown" the gun, then go ahead and make the switch to a cocker, mag, bushy, angel, etc.