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Audiences at Tourneys


New Member
Just a question. I've never been to a paintball tournament, but I've seen the PUSH video (if that counts for anything). I'm curious: what kind of crowd is at a major tournament, like an NPPL event. Are most of the people paintball players, or are there some regular locals that come out to watch? Do they charge admission? Thanks!

Village Idiot

Barking Mad Member
Jul 11, 2001
Costa del Eastbourne
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From my experience.....

Paintball is pretty much a closed shop when it comes to spectating.
Usually, the people watching are players, their wives/girlfriends, other non participating paintballers but not normally members of the public. The public are free to watch however.
You don't pay to watch, the organisers get their money from players tournie fees, the bigger the tournie, the bigger the fee.
Paintball is getting TV recognition now and with a big tournie at Crystal Palace stadium which Bravo on Sky are televising, then maybe just maybe you might get some public interest.
Personally, I doubt it.
It's down to the organisers really to make it a spectator sport. For example, I was at Mayhem in Brighton this year and the total lack of commentary meant that had I been a member of the public, I would have been totally confused.
Phoenix Paintball used to run good indoor tournies, you always knew who was playing who on what field.
Hope this answers your question.
Unfortunately it is completely up to the individual organizers how many external spectators there will be.

Take Toulouse this year for example - billboards & advertising up all over city, then compare that to the World Cup last year - not even signs directing players how to get there.

At Toulouse this year they estimate that there where 3000 people watching the finals. Even if all the teams stayed after they where knocked out that still only makes for 1000 people at the most. That means the remaining number where from outside the sport. Up in stockholm the Joy Girls went around handing out pieces of paper with the basic game rules (great idea).

Hopefully there will be major coverage of Campaign next weekend, and let's see how many people from outside come to watch.


Mr Big

and his big purple helmet
Jul 3, 2001
In a big shoe

does anyone really think that the public actually enjoys watching and following paintball games, or do they enjoy more it as a once off bit if fun on a sunday because it's a novelty? Can anyone really see the general public going to regular games and supporting a team through a season? I can't see it would ever reach that point.
at the end of the day, no matter what you do to make it more exciting to watch, it's still much more a participant sport. but then they televise golf, and that may have just undermined my whole argument!
with the current rules and intricacies - No the genral public will not follow it like they do other sports.

Yes they do televise golf - and yes for non-players it might be boring. However golf has a few things paintball doesn't:
1) it's easy to start playing
2) with the handicap system anyone can play against anyone (theoretically)
3) there are thousands of places in the world where you can play "walk-on"
4) it's easy to follow the action and see who is in the lead
and most importantly - and the reason why golf is the fastest growing sport in the world.
5) There are only a few truly gifted athletes in any sport - Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, David Beckham etc. - but almost any golfer can get lucky and knock the crap out of a shot (maybe not as far a Tiger Woods) that makes him feel like he can really play.

Don't get wrong - I do play golf - but if I had the choice between that and pball every day, I sure as hell wouldn't be on the course screaming at a little dimpled ball.

Paintball in it's current form is only good for edited televised replays.

just some thoughts for a Thursday afternoon.



Jul 7, 2001
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Bravo televising Campaign?

Are they? I thought they are just filming the final of "Mission Paintball" at Campaign not the whole tournie...

As for the rules of paintball being complicated for spectators (something that I hear players mention), I'm not sure I agree. Most sports have rules spectators don't fully understand and that doesn't stop them watching and following the game.

Justin (Thunder)
this has been debated back & forth in numerous other threads and I don't want to start it again, but...

I agree that the rules are not that hard to understand - players shoot at each other, when one gets hit he is out - simple. However the scoring is a little tough to follow with all the penalty points - who's alive & who not etc.

Again, let's not turn this into a huge debate - it's getting tired - and I'm not saying that it couldn't be watched "as is" - it would just take some education.



New Member
Jul 11, 2001
unfortunately, I do not believe that spectators love this sport that much!!

this year at toulouse, the stadium was full on the finals day even at the opposite of the stadium there were over 1000 people watching it.

however, I believe it was due to the wonderful weather at that day despite the storm two days ago, people wanted something different on Sunday. and the two on twos and cheer girls and vast publication was the main reason for this good number of spectators.

the other tourneys I have been to such as world cup 2000, Mayhem and Max masters, there were no spectators at all, which proves us that this sport MUST be promoted effectively.

do not forget that it is not like football and it is hard to understand what's goin on during the game for the non players.


Snoring Machine.......zzz
Jul 13, 2001
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Were the 2 man finals any good at Toulouse? Who won and was there any sweet moves? I got wasted at the players party and then stayed at the nightclub till 5.30am. Finally got to the stadium on the Sunday just before the finals started, and Angel Heaven was shut!!!!! Bummer, but the finals were amazing.

See you all in Campaign


New Member
Jul 11, 2001
one of the best two on twos ever!! Tod Adamson and I think it was Laurent Helmet (or was it his bro?) won it, playin' really cool.

but I think you did not miss the best part, the finals eh? especially the novice and AM teams were balls to balls