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Anything you got that is free! Get Manners Back In 'Ball.


I cant shoot
Feb 28, 2006
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Hi all,

Yes thats right I want it all for nothing. My withdrawel symptoms have gotten too great and I'm looking to get back into a little of ball.

Too knackered for you to use? Too old? Not cool enough? Or maybe your just feeling charitable.

I'm your man/Charity.

I am now taking donations. See list below. All conditions are considered. Pictures are Necessary. I would rather not spend anything so please only put your things forward if you want rid of them. Some items I will be willing to pay postage. Most I will arrange collection either by me or a third party.

See List below for details... remember this is charity I have little/no money, I do have a needle and thread however!



Barrel Socks

Spares Kits/Screws/lube



Pads Knee/elbow/chest. (i dont care if they are sweaty... ill put them through about 6 washes.)

Head gear

Masks (beggers cant be choosers but JT Proflexes or newer/Grills) Colour not an issue (even if stained to F***)


Fluffy sticks (prefferably with fluff)

Anything else you suggest then let me know. I'm in no hurry. All help is appreciated.

Let me know.


Can do paypal/bank trans for postage. Cheques/Cash also a possibility if it is appropriate.