It is strange that the Dm4 is not more popular in the UK. I really like the look of the gun, but that can be subjective so we’ll leave it at that. Internally they are basically NYX matrices although some parts are in different places. When set-up they can be absolute Machine guns, they’re also very quiet (with the standard barrel they make a pphut pphut pphut sound, almost like a silencer), and have minimal kick. Prior to the Dm4 I was shooting a Nexus Cocker, and I think the “imagined” or perceived increase in firepower led to me using it as a barricade a lot more than I would the Nexus. I accept that this may or may not have been perceived, but you do gain an air of confidence. I also found the gun to be both consistent and accurate despite using a .695 barrel. I was also comfortable with the weight. A lot lighter than a Dm3 or older style Matrix, I found the weight to be fine despite my diminutive size. That saying, these are not as light as an Alias Timmy.
There were actually surprisingly few cons to owning the Dm4, that could be blamed on the gun itself. I wouldn’t say they were heavy on Batteries, but when the batteries are dying expect the gun to start misbehaving (starts dropping off and being inconsistent) Generally if the Gun is being a bit odd replace the battery first and this seems to fix most gremlins.
Next is the bounce filter. You may need to up the de-bounce settings as they can be a tad errrm “lively”. Not such runaway bounce, but it did “invent” the odd shot at higher ROFs. This is cured by adjusting the de-bounce. I certainly didn’t have any problems with the Marshals at the PA (it played 18 games at round 2), or Millenniums passing bounce tests.
Efficiency wasn’t a problem, although I do predominantly only play X-ball with it. It may not be cocker efficient, but I think it was more than acceptable.
If anything you just need to ensure you clean and lube the bolt as often as possible, and you may need to replace the bolt o-rings. Do this and you should be able to enjoy the happy shooting of fools! And in the right hands these are awesome. Check out EGi's and Cyclones ones - Scary
For what it’s worth, being rare, makes them even more exclusive and desirable! get one!!!!!!