hello all
if you are like myself then you are a member of a few forums rather than a single one...is anybody a member of ( walkonzone.com) as just tried it and a header page pops up ( vBulletin (Owned License) Inactive / expired. Please contact your administrator to renew ) has the walkonzone folded or is this a admim thing ( http://www.walkonzone.com/vboard/forum_index.php )...mods please delete if this is inappropriate...regards john
if you are like myself then you are a member of a few forums rather than a single one...is anybody a member of ( walkonzone.com) as just tried it and a header page pops up ( vBulletin (Owned License) Inactive / expired. Please contact your administrator to renew ) has the walkonzone folded or is this a admim thing ( http://www.walkonzone.com/vboard/forum_index.php )...mods please delete if this is inappropriate...regards john