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Another Angel Thread :)


Jul 19, 2005
Thinking of buying an A4 plus A.I.R plus Egg for about £300.

Is the A4 a sweet gun, compared to something like the IR3, or even an upped cocker etc etc...
Also do the spitfire mods, intellifeed things still work with it?
Basically, is it worth getting this over the IR3 etc?



Platinum Member
I've just upgraded from an IR3 to an A4, the A4's a lot lighter and you can adjust the trigger without taking off the grip frame. It's also a low pressure marker rather than a high pressure.

But some people prefer the weight of the IR3 as it feels sturdier...

Yes, the A4 can be Spitfired.. But a spitfired IR3 would rip as well..


Jul 19, 2005
Hmm seems like I have a lot to learn... And do I really want to text message my mum from my gun? :):)

So what exactly does the Spitfire Mod do? Can it use eyes, or does it not need them?


Platinum Member
When the spitfire mod is done the body is milled and eyes are fitted along with the new board, it gives more options for modes of fire (The A4 only has uncapped semi as far as I can tell).

Speak to John C about it, straight from the horses and all that.

Obviously not suggesting that Mr C is a horse.


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Aug 9, 2005
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Not trying to take anything away from John and Spitfire (I play with the chaps) this is a great mod if you already own an older Angel. But if you are looking at spending that sort of money why not go for the A4 Fly or even the Speed 05 in the first place? :confused:
Originally posted by AUPaintSoc
Hmm seems like I have a lot to learn... And do I really want to text message my mum from my gun? :):)

So what exactly does the Spitfire Mod do? Can it use eyes, or does it not need them?
The spitfire mod is an upgrade board for the A4. (the quickest you can get!)

It uses eyes and is a turn on and shoot board (no complicated menus).

It has all the fire modes you need for tournaments plus practice mode (like the ego).

I love the look of the base A4, Im gonna take some pictures of my Carbon Spitfire A4 with Evolve and CP ups and post it up on here shortly...

Thanks guys for the mention. (even you shaun :p )

EDIT If this is the A4 that belongs to it8nthot then its at my house.
You could get it spitfired or even just serviced before It gets sent to you, in order to save postage.