This thread will be dedicated to soft goods. There's a lot of stuff so check back often, we will continue to update it. We will have separate thread for the banners. Here are some of the guidelines for this thread:
1. We are based out of the US, but we ship internationally to any country in western Europe. We cover half of the cost of shipping if you buy at least $300 GBP, and we cover the full cost of shipping if you spend $500 GBP (600€ Euros) We never ask anyone to cover PP fees.
2. We cover all PayPal fees.
3. We offer great bundle deals, as well as a buy three get one free for all Platinum Members. For the promo: The free item must be of equal or lesser value as the first three, but it doesnt matter the cost, even for the leather Belsales bags we offer this.
4. Any questions feel free to contact me at any time. We are well established on all US sites and we have hundreds upon hundreds of positive feedback. So buy with confidence.
5. All Angel headsbands are £100 obo, each, plus you can stack buy three get one free for Platinum contributing members.
We will be updating the thread so check back often. Thanks for reading and looking
1. We are based out of the US, but we ship internationally to any country in western Europe. We cover half of the cost of shipping if you buy at least $300 GBP, and we cover the full cost of shipping if you spend $500 GBP (600€ Euros) We never ask anyone to cover PP fees.
2. We cover all PayPal fees.
3. We offer great bundle deals, as well as a buy three get one free for all Platinum Members. For the promo: The free item must be of equal or lesser value as the first three, but it doesnt matter the cost, even for the leather Belsales bags we offer this.
4. Any questions feel free to contact me at any time. We are well established on all US sites and we have hundreds upon hundreds of positive feedback. So buy with confidence.
5. All Angel headsbands are £100 obo, each, plus you can stack buy three get one free for Platinum contributing members.
We will be updating the thread so check back often. Thanks for reading and looking