Justin Saucerman
19 years old
Played many PSP, NPPL, XPSL, SCXL
Teams: Splat Kids, Destiny, CS Union, Boston Bosswicks,PBFashion.com Factory, Sinister Kids, HKN, PBRACK.com
I have helped teams like the splat kids podium first place in NPPL Huntington Beach and Commanders Cup, while also making podium in many other national events for other teams I have played for. I have been playing for 6 years and practice every week against the best pro and semi pro teams in Southern California. If you have any questions or need to get in contact with me my email is Saucey360@gmail.com or Saucey360 on AIM.
19 years old
Played many PSP, NPPL, XPSL, SCXL
Teams: Splat Kids, Destiny, CS Union, Boston Bosswicks,PBFashion.com Factory, Sinister Kids, HKN, PBRACK.com
I have helped teams like the splat kids podium first place in NPPL Huntington Beach and Commanders Cup, while also making podium in many other national events for other teams I have played for. I have been playing for 6 years and practice every week against the best pro and semi pro teams in Southern California. If you have any questions or need to get in contact with me my email is Saucey360@gmail.com or Saucey360 on AIM.