thanx for all replies, as i said before u guys are awesome.
pm sent, and to answer your point, i don't know of any local sites where i could train with a team on a sup air field around wycombe

the closest as far as i know is bricket wood but i don't drive and the public transport connection is AWFUL last time i went i had to change busses 3 times on my way there, wait at stations for ages and walk to the site from the final bus stop for about 20-30 mins, the way back was even worse, had to go via luton airport where i waited for 2 hours for a bus, and though i was proud of myself, it cost me a whole day of time 6.45am-22pm, about 20 pound for transport alone plus obviously another 40 at the site and the next day i found myself having a flu. I will go again this Sunday though.
If the following isn't determination i dunno what is

so i hope i got the attitude right at least
I think i will start low at least for now and get to a point where i don't damage my own lenses with my own marker in panic when im being flanked

these chrome lenses for i4s are expensive :O
Gee Tee
That would be good but no
Good point but i don't even have a license yet