You have got to be joking. Airsoft doesn't hurt at all, even when you get a co2 powered version. Me and my mates used to play barebacked just so we knew when we were hit, you can't even get an impressive welt with the damn things. Hell when we used to play the bloody guns were overpriced as well. I paid £250 for an auto sa-80 replica and thought that was a good deal.Originally posted by Audguy
You guys are right. Paintball rocks. Its all fun and games. BB's probably hurt too! Half of those airsoft people play with BB's, not even paint BB's. And only glasses or half face goggles. You might shoot your eye out with that stuff. Haha.
Was it that funny?.............................haha.Originally posted by Duncster
That little laff at the end just made me pi$$ myself at work dude!! hehe!!
(that woz a slight exaggeration, ok?....)