Hi Guys,
Many of you within the paintball community know us all well and know what we stand for.
We have had a recent run in with the guys at Shoreline and would like to express our standpoint in an independant forum having been banned from UKS for asking questions!
The first point was made when I asked a question about "support for soldiers". All I asked for was clarification of the charity status of this event. The UK Paintball Awards website showed that the charity was to be help for heros and yet on the night it was support for soldiers. Apparently asking questions didnt go down too well!
It seems I am not the only person to have rocked the boat whilst asking about this "charity" as other members have been banned for asking the same questions.
I am just curious as to where the money is going.
The second problem is that the guys seem to believe I have some kind of agenda. I support Warpeds games as we have attended them before, and we had booked into a Shoreline event to see what all the hype is about.
A team member asked about paint prices and was flamed down, fair enough they can charge what they like.
But somewhere along the line the guys there have managed to turn this into some kind of battle between organisers.
We as a team have no loyalty or bond to any Big Game organisers and as many of you know we attend events all over the country and are generally happy just to play ball!
With the general bad feeling created across the UKS forums we as a team decided it best to take our money elsewhere and asked for a refund on tickets. Tim agreed to this and then stated that we were not allowed to attend his events anymore!
Kinda like saying you are dumped, no you are dumped
I then see this thread on the UKS website and would like to point out a few claims made are in fact unrelated to anything!!!
"Team Apocalypse will no longer be welcome at any Shoreline event. The 16 tickets they had booked for the Tippmann Challenge 2012 event will be refunded and are now available to real scenario paintball players. If you would like to secure one of those tickets, please email info@shorelineoutdoor.com - first come, first served!!" - We in fact actually requested a refund and stated we would not be attending Shoreline events.
"We will not condone the sort of behaviour that recently came to light where members of that team set off pyrotechnics in a hotel resulting in the hotel being evacuated. The explanation given for that incident is as implausible as it is insulting to the intelligence of the average paintballer. This sort of behaviour can not be condoned and threatens the very game that us real scenario players love. Its childish and puerile and has the potential to cause real problems for the rest of the community." - This in fact is untrue. It was a member of a team we are friends with that had the Pyro accident. Not Apocalypse!! Yes i wrote a report on the incident and possibly didnt make it clear enough on the first draft. But the facts remain it was not Apocalypse and the guy had an accident with no repercussions!
"Team Apoc clearly have their own agenda and nobody needs to be Einstein to see that. We applaud teams and players having loyalty to organisers, but when that extends to them lodging fake votes in order to manipulate the Scenario Paintball Awards in favour of one event and voting down other events they have not even attended - it would seem contrary to what the rest of us in the community would consider acceptable and not really in the spirit of scenario paintball. In fact, its about as un-scenario as you can get and as a company we do not want players with that mentality spoiling our events. " - As i explained to Tim, we have no loyalty to any event. We just want to play ball without the politics. We are not afraid to ask questions. As for the voting thing, I was trying to figure out how to vote! The system was confusing and whilst trying to find an event to vote for I had to pass through events I had not attended. There was no skip/did not attend button and so I had to mark them all down as 0. I gave up in the end as the UK events I wished to vote for were not on the list. But I made every effort to keep the score the same by voting the same on all. So again this seems to be paranoia from Tim.
I have tried to re register on UKS to express these points and put right the claims made by Tim, but it seems I get banned before I can post! So this leaves me no other option but to defend myself and my team on here.
I would say those that know us have no agenda, no political affiliations and no BS. I really dont understand where the Shoreline guys got beef with us, but can only really put it down to the fact that we know the Warped guys pretty well and I guess they feel there is some kind of rivalry there.
So in conclusion, I hope the views of one company doesnt cloud the views of others.Our team have been running for 11 years and are 100+ players strong. We know most of the UK paintball community and we all get along great.
I just question the morality of banning players from an open forum for asking a few simple questions or for an incident that wasnt even connected to them! I guess the paranoia runs strong on UKS!!!
Much love guys and lets keep this kind of bollocks out of paintball
Many of you within the paintball community know us all well and know what we stand for.
We have had a recent run in with the guys at Shoreline and would like to express our standpoint in an independant forum having been banned from UKS for asking questions!
The first point was made when I asked a question about "support for soldiers". All I asked for was clarification of the charity status of this event. The UK Paintball Awards website showed that the charity was to be help for heros and yet on the night it was support for soldiers. Apparently asking questions didnt go down too well!
It seems I am not the only person to have rocked the boat whilst asking about this "charity" as other members have been banned for asking the same questions.
I am just curious as to where the money is going.
The second problem is that the guys seem to believe I have some kind of agenda. I support Warpeds games as we have attended them before, and we had booked into a Shoreline event to see what all the hype is about.
A team member asked about paint prices and was flamed down, fair enough they can charge what they like.
But somewhere along the line the guys there have managed to turn this into some kind of battle between organisers.
We as a team have no loyalty or bond to any Big Game organisers and as many of you know we attend events all over the country and are generally happy just to play ball!
With the general bad feeling created across the UKS forums we as a team decided it best to take our money elsewhere and asked for a refund on tickets. Tim agreed to this and then stated that we were not allowed to attend his events anymore!
Kinda like saying you are dumped, no you are dumped
I then see this thread on the UKS website and would like to point out a few claims made are in fact unrelated to anything!!!
"Team Apocalypse will no longer be welcome at any Shoreline event. The 16 tickets they had booked for the Tippmann Challenge 2012 event will be refunded and are now available to real scenario paintball players. If you would like to secure one of those tickets, please email info@shorelineoutdoor.com - first come, first served!!" - We in fact actually requested a refund and stated we would not be attending Shoreline events.
"We will not condone the sort of behaviour that recently came to light where members of that team set off pyrotechnics in a hotel resulting in the hotel being evacuated. The explanation given for that incident is as implausible as it is insulting to the intelligence of the average paintballer. This sort of behaviour can not be condoned and threatens the very game that us real scenario players love. Its childish and puerile and has the potential to cause real problems for the rest of the community." - This in fact is untrue. It was a member of a team we are friends with that had the Pyro accident. Not Apocalypse!! Yes i wrote a report on the incident and possibly didnt make it clear enough on the first draft. But the facts remain it was not Apocalypse and the guy had an accident with no repercussions!
"Team Apoc clearly have their own agenda and nobody needs to be Einstein to see that. We applaud teams and players having loyalty to organisers, but when that extends to them lodging fake votes in order to manipulate the Scenario Paintball Awards in favour of one event and voting down other events they have not even attended - it would seem contrary to what the rest of us in the community would consider acceptable and not really in the spirit of scenario paintball. In fact, its about as un-scenario as you can get and as a company we do not want players with that mentality spoiling our events. " - As i explained to Tim, we have no loyalty to any event. We just want to play ball without the politics. We are not afraid to ask questions. As for the voting thing, I was trying to figure out how to vote! The system was confusing and whilst trying to find an event to vote for I had to pass through events I had not attended. There was no skip/did not attend button and so I had to mark them all down as 0. I gave up in the end as the UK events I wished to vote for were not on the list. But I made every effort to keep the score the same by voting the same on all. So again this seems to be paranoia from Tim.
I have tried to re register on UKS to express these points and put right the claims made by Tim, but it seems I get banned before I can post! So this leaves me no other option but to defend myself and my team on here.
I would say those that know us have no agenda, no political affiliations and no BS. I really dont understand where the Shoreline guys got beef with us, but can only really put it down to the fact that we know the Warped guys pretty well and I guess they feel there is some kind of rivalry there.
So in conclusion, I hope the views of one company doesnt cloud the views of others.Our team have been running for 11 years and are 100+ players strong. We know most of the UK paintball community and we all get along great.
I just question the morality of banning players from an open forum for asking a few simple questions or for an incident that wasnt even connected to them! I guess the paranoia runs strong on UKS!!!
Much love guys and lets keep this kind of bollocks out of paintball