1.) Yes to Mr. Edwards, no to andy. (Why, you ask? Quite simple I reply. We like Mr. Edwards and he is someone well known to the UK paintball scene and he has no other obvious motive in posting other than what's stated.) [And he did it on a weekend!] The result is his post is likely of actual interest to the general membership.
2.) the wording of andy's post leads this Mod to believe the real purpose of the post was big upping a KOTH result and the rest, while I'm sure sincere, actually cover for the principle purpose. (Is it fair to make such an assumption? Maybe not, but it's the job and for those of you who've been around awhile you might recall past times when such posts littered these forums and that is why they are routinely not allowed to stay up.)
I've used this post as a reminder for some and an explanation for anyone new enough not to know why these sorts of threads are frowned on. andy was just unlucky in this instance and it is nothing even slightly personal.