npc 5man tournies work more like walk on,s but with a competative edge,turn up on your own or as ateam ,all are welcome and all will get a game .how does it work? if you come as an individual then teams will be made up on the day or you will be add onto an excisting team that way you will always get to play.if you are unsure how this works come to powerplay wakefield (j38 m1)on the 25th of feb and see for yourselves ,so far 10 teams entered and a few possibles.if interested game fee is £35 (£5 discount for ukpsf and npc members) paint is byo or £25-30 a box depending on grade,lunch, air and co2 included for more info go onto and look on the npc north forum or contact steve bull .phone or email address can be found on .so come and try something new this is getting bigger every event, so hope to see some new faces there even if your just coming to check it out