trick when going one on one is to vanish from you opponents sight.....
if he knows where you are put him in by lighting up his bunker and as soon as he cant see you MOVE, preferably to a position that gives you a better angle
filling your hopper is a good tip, less noise and less likely to get caught out.
put a line of balls on his bunker as you move, thus keeping him in.
if somone trys this on you, use your brain, if he is shooting the left side of your bunker then you can possibly snap a couple at him from the right by wrapping your cover, try to follow the line of his shots as they come in to get a better idea where he is.....listen to him and his firing pattern is he just double tapping to keep you in or is he rapiding to hold you while he moves. also listen for his hopper rattling (hes low on paint), his lid popping (hes very low or out). if he isnt firing ask yourself WHY is his gun down? is he moving? listen for footfalls or the rattle of paint in pots...if you can hear him circling you, wrap your bunker and shoot him in the ass.....also listen for him talking to himself, a sudden '****' or similar poss meens his gun is down.
good look