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  • hello there fella just like to say thanks on the delivery well impressed with everything.everything is accounted for so thanks again on everythimg running smoothly
    hello there again im sure ur prob gettin sick of seeing my name come up but if u could let me know wen u will be sending merchandise as i got mates who all chipped in and are nagging me about it.many thanks
    hi, me and a few friends who are 16 have just started paintball, people have forwarded me to you about walkons on the weekends etc. Can you give me any information and dates about this? If you would like to email me at veti@live.co.uk or leave a msg i would be very happy :D
    any chance you could tell whats happening with the ego as its been a week now and i still have not had a reply from either yourself or stinger saying you have recived the payment or if it has been posted or not, im not wanting to sound pushy or anything but a reply would be nice specially when i have sent you that much money

    cheers trigg
    hi i was forwarded in your direction for information on the walkon day at universal on sunday the 11th of january. me and a friend are planning on attending. could you please send price and time info to me and also forward it to bucky (my friends username).

    interrested in your markers you have posted. if you have still got any of them at the end of the month then i will definatly take one of them of you. can you please put some pics up though bud. cheers
    Package sent i'll chase up monday for you bud and let you know the score. Don't panic verything was sent recorded for you.
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