Recent content by Bolter

  1. Bolter

    New to the Country/Forum

    Looks fine to me. Get buying!
  2. Bolter

    Newbie in Dartford

    Hi mate, welcome (y)
  3. Bolter

    Posting in classifieds with an old account

    try logging out and in again
  4. Bolter

    Posting in classifieds with an old account

    Then instead of spamming all over a near dead forum, feel free to chit chat in this thread Do you play for a team?
  5. Bolter

    Posting in classifieds with an old account

    Can you let me know your old username and I'll take a look mate
  6. Bolter

    Tippman smg 68

    You could try the MCB forum or Bacci paintball although I just checked the latter and couldnt find one. Good luck with your search!
  7. Bolter

    Tippman smg 68

  8. Bolter

    Different paint opinions

    You can always ask about the paint, I doubt anyone would mind questions, its what they go for :) *how is the paint? *how is everyone finding the paint? *can i have a look at a couple, is there a bag open?
  9. Bolter

    Different paint opinions

    If you are not tied into a paint deal through sponsorship, its always best to try each paint on the day. Ask for a few balls of each, do a drop test etc
  10. Bolter

    old timer wanting a bit of help

    Hi Ian nice to see a chameleon about!
  11. Bolter

    ISO Some Paintballs!

    Also even if they are gone, your kit wont get destroyed. Just a little clean up at worst.
  12. Bolter

    ISO Some Paintballs!

    If they feel solid, fit down the barrel, havent sweated, im pretty sure you'll be fine bro.
  13. Bolter

    Heaviest paintball weapon >500 lbs

    How are you going to double knee slide with that?
  14. Bolter


    the russian legion were saying similar while shooting it at the field.
  15. Bolter

    Questionable Behaviour?

    Jon hasnt been near my pants. Mainly cause I dont wear any.