Thankyou bl bl bl and snax.
Robbo: Errrr not really, what you do with your site is your business, i was merely stating a truth followed by an emotionally enhanced smiley face.
First off, you are correct, it is my site and it is my business but I don't believe I had asked [or anybody else for that matter] for a sarcastic comment that was back-ended on your inquiry.
All you had to do was ask for a contact number...end of, but no, you chose to comment on the end of your post conveniently mentioning they had been banned followed by the sarcastic smiley ... none of that was co-incidence, you elected to set it up that way.
The reason those guys got banned was simple :-
Firstly, phouli and his merry bunch or wannabees had physically threatened a marshal (which by the way is laughable because if you were to put any of them in the ring, they'd sh!t their nappies) and also verbally abused refs at an event I was ultimately responsibly for and also had some hand in putting together.
phouli, after being part of this disgusting display of how to act like pros, then had the fackin cheek to come on my site and start bitching like the little girl he is, and then to cap it all, announces to all and sundry he doesn't want to come any more Fed events !!!!!!!
Wow !!!!
As if anybody would want them after that ...... we don't, that sort of behavior is everything we don't want in the Fed and I doubt any sponsor wants.
And then..... we have people defending them and their actions, and as part of that defence, they attack me on the basis of being 'unprofessional' .... as I mentioned earlier, the moronic irony of these ingrates concentrating on me whilst completely ignoring the behaviour of phouli and the rest of his ant hill mod is absolutely mind blowing.....
And so, if you wanna find out one of their numbers, by all means, do so, but don't ever try to make me look small while you are at it ..... do you understand that??????